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SCORE provides free webinars on various SCORE-related topics, from sessions on trainee study plans to demonstrations of new SCORE features. If you would like to schedule a webinar, please send an email to

Presentation Topics

SCORE School: Weekly TWIS Webinars
SCORE Portal Features
Best Practices for Resident Self-Study

SCORE School: Weekly TWIS Webinars

To full catalogue of SCORE School webinars are located on the multimedia resources page. SCORE has now published SCORE School webinars that correspond to the full TWIS curriculum. Videos will be updated in alignment with the module revision cycle. To check out the list of published webinars, please go to the SCORE School Library.

This Week: Threatened Limb

Next Week: Extremity Bypass

SCORE Portal Features


Best Practices for Resident Self-Study

SCORE hosted a free webinar for incoming chief resident leaders. Two members of SCORE's Resident Advisory Board, Dr. Tess Aulet and Dr. Paul McGaha co-hosted the session. The goal of the webinar was to share best practices for resident self-study and tips for implementation of SCORE in general surgery training programs. 

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