The SCORE Portal® provides residents and training programs with high-quality educational materials and a structured program for self-learning. SCORE focuses on all areas of general surgery and related specialties as well as fellowship-level content.
The Portal is aligned with curriculum outlines in general surgery, endocrine surgery, pediatric surgery,
oral maxillofacial surgery,
surgical critical care,
surgical oncology, and
vascular surgery.

Quick Access to Learning Resources
- More than 470 module topics covering all six competency areas in general surgery
- This Week in SCORE (TWIS) - a topic of the week program
- Chapters from 15 leading surgical textbooks
- 2400+ multiple-choice questions for resident self-assessment
- 230+ narrated operative videos
- 170+ SCORE School webinars
- 80+ anatomical illustrations

This Week in SCORE®
Some specialties have organized their content into This Week in SCORE (TWIS) — a sequence of suggested topics in an annual cycle. TWIS schedules can also be adjusted based on individual program schedules. Each week a new topic is featured, along with the related modules and a quiz. TWIS provides a systematic way for users to cover the portal's content. Trainees and their programs can track performance on
the quizzes, including on individual quiz questions. TWIS may be used by training programs for didactic conference planning or by residents and fellows to create self-study plans. Training programs also have the option of editing the TWIS schedule to create their own custom topic schedule.
SCORE Modules
- Learning objectives with detailed content: written by surgical faculty with direct links to related resources
- Discussion questions: open-ended questions to allow trainees to assess their understanding of the topic
- Text resources and videos: textbook chapters, practice guidelines, procedure guidelines, and operative videos
- Self-assessment quizzes: answer multiple-choice questions on that topic and view your score
Trainees can also mark modules as complete and track their progress over the course of their residency. Program administrators and faculty can assign modules and/or resources and view reports on trainees' progress by category, module, and PGY level.
Self-Assessment Questions
More than 3,800 multiple-choice questions are available to help trainees assess their knowledge. Users can create custom quizzes to test their knowledge in one or several areas. Answers are provided along with explanations and references. Based on the user's quiz history, SCORE resources are then suggested for further review. Residents also have the ability to filter questions based on their specialty.

Benefits of Using the SCORE Portal
The SCORE Portal is a comprehensive online resource that facilitates surgical education at all stages of training.
Trainees can use the portal to:
- Prepare for operative case
- Prepare for weekly conferences and other events
- Improve their fund of knowledge about patient care
- Learn about topics not emphasized in their current curriculum
- Build their own self-study/learning plan
Study for exams
Programs can use the portal to:
- Assign modules or other SCORE resources in preparation for weekly conferences or other events
- Use TWIS and other resources to cover conditions not typically seen at their institutions
- Incorporate materials from the website into presentations and teaching
- Use the open-ended discussion questions as the basis for discussion in group didactic sessions
Create rotation-based curricula through TWIS or with other SCORE resources

SCORE® is a registered trademark of the American Board of Surgery.